Top Irritation Quotes

  • It was his knowledge of his own willful stupidity that had brought on his irritation – Keigo Higashino

    It was his knowledge of his own willful stupidity that had brought on his irritation– Keigo Higashino

  • Someone with a deeper inner awareness will not be bothered by outer irritation. – Debasish Mridha

    Someone with a deeper inner awareness will not be bothered by outer irritation.– Debasish Mridha

  • A man without a wife and babies is a menace to civilization… One bachelor is an irritation. Ten thousand bachelors are a war. – Orson Scott Card

    A man without a wife and babies is a menace to civilization… One bachelor is an irritation. Ten thousand bachelors are a war.– Orson Scott Card

  • The leaderly response to personal irritation is to relax and open up not push, run, or close down. – Auliq Ice

    The leaderly response to personal irritation is to relax and open up not push, run, or close down.– Auliq Ice

  • He found his irritation that the American memory could be short. – James Carl Nelson

    He found his irritation that the American memory could be short.– James Carl Nelson

  • Change isn’t always for the worst; the shell that forms around a piece of sand looks to some people like an irritation, and to others, like a pearl. – Jodi Picoult

    Change isn’t always for the worst; the shell that forms around a piece of sand looks to some people like an irritation, and to others, like a pearl.– Jodi Picoult

  • Change isn’t always for the worst; the shell that forms around a piece of sand looks to some people like an irritation., and to others, like a pearl. – Jodi Picoult

    Change isn’t always for the worst; the shell that forms around a piece of sand looks to some people like an irritation., and to others, like a pearl.– Jodi Picoult

  • That was our friendship: equal parts irritation and cooperation. – Ransom Riggs

    That was our friendship: equal parts irritation and cooperation.– Ransom Riggs