Top Isand Quotes

  • Somewhere between what is…and what can be…begs the question…what are you meant to be? – Manoj Vaz

    Somewhere between what is…and what can be…begs the question…what are you meant to be?– Manoj Vaz

  • I totally allow myselfto feel every emotion,whatever it isand I observe itfrom my inner spaceof love and silence. – Human Angels

    I totally allow myselfto feel every emotion,whatever it isand I observe itfrom my inner spaceof love and silence.– Human Angels

  • I should be contentto look at a mountainfor what it isand not as a comment on my life. – David Ignatow

    I should be contentto look at a mountainfor what it isand not as a comment on my life.– David Ignatow

  • Good God, what a mess of draggle-tail impulses a man is–and a woman too, I guess. – John Steinbeck

    Good God, what a mess of draggle-tail impulses a man is–and a woman too, I guess.– John Steinbeck

  • She asks me how my heart is,and I say, ‘beating.’That’s never the answer you want, and I am sorry about that. – Darshana Suresh

    She asks me how my heart is,and I say, ‘beating.’That’s never the answer you want, and I am sorry about that.– Darshana Suresh

  • The average IQ in America is-”and this can be proven mathematically-”average. – PJ ORourke

    The average IQ in America is-”and this can be proven mathematically-”average.– PJ ORourke