Top Islands Quotes

  • Life is a sea of sorrow in the midst of islands of happiness. – Matshona Dhliwayo

    Life is a sea of sorrow in the midst of islands of happiness.– Matshona Dhliwayo

  • We sat bathed in luscious darkness, Casco Bay’s thousand islands spread out before us like a diamond quilt. ‘I don’t get enough of this,’ she said. – Mike Bond

    We sat bathed in luscious darkness, Casco Bay’s thousand islands spread out before us like a diamond quilt. ‘I don’t get enough of this,’ she said.– Mike Bond

  • All men are islands, surrounded by the bottomless oceans of unthinking night. – Charles Stross

    All men are islands, surrounded by the bottomless oceans of unthinking night.– Charles Stross

  • You are to me like white islands, in a world of vast darkness. – Charlotte Eriksson

    You are to me like white islands, in a world of vast darkness.– Charlotte Eriksson

  • Technology has transformed the world into a global village. And communities, families, friends, etc., into local islands. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    Technology has transformed the world into a global village. And communities, families, friends, etc., into local islands.– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  • The Fourth Crown Princess of the blue Cresent Islands had sixteen rituals to observe from the moment of waking to when she broke her fast. – Julia Golding

    The Fourth Crown Princess of the blue Cresent Islands had sixteen rituals to observe from the moment of waking to when she broke her fast.– Julia Golding

  • Stories are like islands, go out exploring and you’re bound to get lost fantastically. – M Robert Randolph

    Stories are like islands, go out exploring and you’re bound to get lost fantastically.– M Robert Randolph

  • Rehearsals and practice times by myself are like these little islands of ‘Okay’ in a vast sea of ‘Holy Crap! – Jordan Sonnenblick

    Rehearsals and practice times by myself are like these little islands of ‘Okay’ in a vast sea of ‘Holy Crap!– Jordan Sonnenblick

  • The Amish are islands of sanity in a whirlpool of change. – Nancy Sleeth

    The Amish are islands of sanity in a whirlpool of change.– Nancy Sleeth

  • We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep. – William James

    We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.– William James