Top Itself Quotes
Needing something is not the same thing as being interested in the thing itself.– Charles Baxter
So full of artless jealousy is guilt,It spills itself in fearing to be spilt.– William Shakespeare
To this day, I believe the unity of the world’s countries in the fight against terror is more powerful than the fight itself.– Michael DeLong
If the beloved is everywhere,the lover is a veil,but when living itself becomesthe Friend, lovers disappear.– Jalaluddin Rumi
The writing in itself is transformative for me.– Sophia Rose
The ball of dark fur pressed itself into my chest, and I wished she was my kitten, and knew that she was not.– Neil Gaiman
A cat is basically a great egomaniac who keeps the human company as long as it pleases itself.– MZRiffi
Little known fact- a cat which has just bitten itself in the ass can achieve impressive speed at it dashes madly straight up a curtain.– Amy Petrie Shaw