Top Jazz Quotes

  • Yeah, sorry for not being all Betty Bad Ass; fighting isn’t exactly a requirement for jazz singers. – JL Vallance

    Yeah, sorry for not being all Betty Bad Ass; fighting isn’t exactly a requirement for jazz singers.– JL Vallance

  • The law don’t like jazz clubs. No one wants anything to do with that kind of trouble. – Sara Sheridan

    The law don’t like jazz clubs. No one wants anything to do with that kind of trouble.– Sara Sheridan

  • the grace is being able to like rock music,symphony music, jazz -¦anything that contains the original energy ofjoy. – Charles Bukowski

    the grace is being able to like rock music,symphony music, jazz -¦anything that contains the original energy ofjoy.– Charles Bukowski

  • It might seem a contradiction but… the ability to improvise requires lots of practice. Ask any jazz musician. – Ted Agon

    It might seem a contradiction but… the ability to improvise requires lots of practice. Ask any jazz musician.– Ted Agon

  • What is my definition of jazz? ‘Safe sex of the highest order. – Kurt Vonnegut Jr

    What is my definition of jazz? ‘Safe sex of the highest order.– Kurt Vonnegut Jr

  • In Jazz, like in America, the group works together toward a common cause with lots of room left for each individual to shine. – Richie Gerber

    In Jazz, like in America, the group works together toward a common cause with lots of room left for each individual to shine.– Richie Gerber

  • Jazz is the assassination, the murdering, the slaying of syncopation. I would even go so far as to confess that we are musical anarchists. – Nick La Rocca

    Jazz is the assassination, the murdering, the slaying of syncopation. I would even go so far as to confess that we are musical anarchists.– Nick La Rocca

  • Jazz is the only lever used by all the riffraff of Tram 83 to switch social class as one would subway cars. – Fiston Mwanza Mujila

    Jazz is the only lever used by all the riffraff of Tram 83 to switch social class as one would subway cars.– Fiston Mwanza Mujila

  • I think my knowledge of music theory is rooted in jazz theory, and a lot of the writers of standards -“ Rodgers and Hart, and Gershwin. – Zooey Deschanel

    I think my knowledge of music theory is rooted in jazz theory, and a lot of the writers of standards -“ Rodgers and Hart, and Gershwin.– Zooey Deschanel

  • Man, if you have to ask what it [jazz] is, you’ll never know. – Louis Armstrong

    Man, if you have to ask what it [jazz] is, you’ll never know.– Louis Armstrong