Top Jew Quotes

  • As a Jew, I had no desire to challenge my childhood prejudice. But as a teacher, I could not do otherwise. – Sondra Perl

    As a Jew, I had no desire to challenge my childhood prejudice. But as a teacher, I could not do otherwise.– Sondra Perl

  • One class. No masters. No slaves. No black. No white. No Jew. No Christian. One race– The human race. – Edith Hahn Beer

    One class. No masters. No slaves. No black. No white. No Jew. No Christian. One race– The human race.– Edith Hahn Beer

  • See, you don’t wanna be a Jew. Too much work–there’s a lot of holidays but it’s even more work. It’s sanctioned oppression, it’s God’s tyranny. – Shawn Stewart Ruff

    See, you don’t wanna be a Jew. Too much work–there’s a lot of holidays but it’s even more work. It’s sanctioned oppression, it’s God’s tyranny.– Shawn Stewart Ruff

  • Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Help me. Please, help me. If you really exist, you skinny jew bastard, help me kill myself. – Hubert Selby Jr

    Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Help me. Please, help me. If you really exist, you skinny jew bastard, help me kill myself.– Hubert Selby Jr

  • A woman reading Playboy feels a little like a Jew reading a Nazi manual. – Gloria Steinem

    A woman reading Playboy feels a little like a Jew reading a Nazi manual.– Gloria Steinem

  • Don’t give me that Christian forgiveness bullshit, Dukach. I’m a vindictive Jew!- he’d bellow. – Jonathan Galassi

    Don’t give me that Christian forgiveness bullshit, Dukach. I’m a vindictive Jew!- he’d bellow.– Jonathan Galassi

  • The human heart is first a human heart, then everything else – American, Christian, Asian, Jew, or whatever. – Abhijit Naskar

    The human heart is first a human heart, then everything else – American, Christian, Asian, Jew, or whatever.– Abhijit Naskar