Top Lack Quotes

  • It’s absurd to be upset by a lack of results when the cause is a lack of activity. – Orrin Woodward

    It’s absurd to be upset by a lack of results when the cause is a lack of activity.– Orrin Woodward

  • His eyes are peculiar. There is nothing in them, like an eclair without the cream filling. It’s wrong, lack of cream. – Gail Carriger

    His eyes are peculiar. There is nothing in them, like an eclair without the cream filling. It’s wrong, lack of cream.– Gail Carriger

  • The problem in today’s world is that people do not believe (lack trust) in goodness. – Amit Abraham

    The problem in today’s world is that people do not believe (lack trust) in goodness.– Amit Abraham

  • The great problem a mother has is not a lack of creativity, accomplishment, or skill, but her inability to love God and others as Jesus loves her. – Gloria Furman

    The great problem a mother has is not a lack of creativity, accomplishment, or skill, but her inability to love God and others as Jesus loves her.– Gloria Furman

  • An outlier does not lack knowledge but has the interdisciplinary understanding to see things differently. – Pearl  Zhu

    An outlier does not lack knowledge but has the interdisciplinary understanding to see things differently.– Pearl Zhu

  • No matter how much enthusiasm and effort you put into writing, if you totally lack literary talent you can forget about being a novelist. – Haruki Murakami

    No matter how much enthusiasm and effort you put into writing, if you totally lack literary talent you can forget about being a novelist.– Haruki Murakami

  • But do I really want my ?????? to heal over through lack of use either? – Nick Alexander

    But do I really want my ?????? to heal over through lack of use either?– Nick Alexander

  • I check every can of Barbasol I buy for dinosaur embryos. I haven’t found any yet, as evidenced by the lack of T-Rex screams in my apartment. – Ryan Lilly

    I check every can of Barbasol I buy for dinosaur embryos. I haven’t found any yet, as evidenced by the lack of T-Rex screams in my apartment.– Ryan Lilly

  • I can do anything a man can do except get a hard-on–and that’s only because I lack the equipment. – Marla Buchanan

    I can do anything a man can do except get a hard-on–and that’s only because I lack the equipment.– Marla Buchanan