Top Librarian Quotes

  • To be a librarian is not to be neutral, or passive, or waiting for a question. It is to be a radical positive change agent within your community. – R David Lankes

    To be a librarian is not to be neutral, or passive, or waiting for a question. It is to be a radical positive change agent within your community.– R David Lankes

  • On a good day, my style is librarian chic. On a bad day, it’s frumpy mother. – Cassandra Page

    On a good day, my style is librarian chic. On a bad day, it’s frumpy mother.– Cassandra Page

  • He’s like Super Librarian, y’know? Everyone forgets, Willow, that knowledge is the ultimate weapon. – Joss Whedon

    He’s like Super Librarian, y’know? Everyone forgets, Willow, that knowledge is the ultimate weapon.– Joss Whedon

  • One can never had too many librarian friends. – Jennifer Chiaverini

    One can never had too many librarian friends.– Jennifer Chiaverini

  • To all my librarian friends, champions of books, true magicians in the House of Life. Without you, this writer would be lost in the Dust. – Rick Riordan

    To all my librarian friends, champions of books, true magicians in the House of Life. Without you, this writer would be lost in the Dust.– Rick Riordan

  • When someone gives me either a democratic or republican pamphlet, I throw it in their face. I’m a librarian, damn it! We only take book donations. – Bauvard

    When someone gives me either a democratic or republican pamphlet, I throw it in their face. I’m a librarian, damn it! We only take book donations.– Bauvard