Top Limbo Quotes

  • The limbo of life is like a song, a melody that comes around occasionally but that sticks in your head and never goes away. – Leigh Hershkovich

    The limbo of life is like a song, a melody that comes around occasionally but that sticks in your head and never goes away.– Leigh Hershkovich

  • One reason we’re not winning the fight against depression is that our available treatments leave so many in partial recovery limbo. – Jonathan Rottenberg

    One reason we’re not winning the fight against depression is that our available treatments leave so many in partial recovery limbo.– Jonathan Rottenberg

  • …trapped in limbo, believing in a lack of belief, but not necessarily lacking the belief to believe. – Ian Rankin

    …trapped in limbo, believing in a lack of belief, but not necessarily lacking the belief to believe.– Ian Rankin

  • They were both from the real world, their own distinct ones, but I was somewhere in limbo. Set apart, I didn’t know how to let either of them in. – Amina Gautier

    They were both from the real world, their own distinct ones, but I was somewhere in limbo. Set apart, I didn’t know how to let either of them in.– Amina Gautier

  • Do your own thing. Others own their own thing. If you copy too much, you’ll find yourself in late night ????tail lounge cover band limbo. – Kurt Cobain

    Do your own thing. Others own their own thing. If you copy too much, you’ll find yourself in late night ????tail lounge cover band limbo.– Kurt Cobain

  • I am the soul in limbo. – Andr Breton

    I am the soul in limbo.– Andr Breton