Top Literature Quotes

  • With you as an inspiration, a painter will create his best painting, a writer will write his best literature and a poet will create his best poetry. – Amit Kalantri

    With you as an inspiration, a painter will create his best painting, a writer will write his best literature and a poet will create his best poetry.– Amit Kalantri

  • Any man’s life can be seen as a series of engagements with his fathers, Including the surrogates provided by life and literature. – Richard Brookhiser

    Any man’s life can be seen as a series of engagements with his fathers, Including the surrogates provided by life and literature.– Richard Brookhiser

  • Literature, art, science, and religion degenerate when polemical struggle supplants the independent creation of ideas. – Semen Frank

    Literature, art, science, and religion degenerate when polemical struggle supplants the independent creation of ideas.– Semen Frank

  • Despite centuries of English literature, the most famous split infinitive in all of history comes from Star Trek. – R Curtis Venture

    Despite centuries of English literature, the most famous split infinitive in all of history comes from Star Trek.– R Curtis Venture

  • I am the penny whistle of American literature. – Nelson Algren

    I am the penny whistle of American literature.– Nelson Algren

  • Literature is language charged with meaning – Ezra Pound

    Literature is language charged with meaning– Ezra Pound

  • It’s very fluid, this space between philosophy and literature, and that’s something that resonates for me. – Tom McCarthy

    It’s very fluid, this space between philosophy and literature, and that’s something that resonates for me.– Tom McCarthy

  • Love that Literature. – S McPherson

    Love that Literature.– S McPherson

  • One kind of walking which I do not recall seeing mentioned anywhere in the literature of the subject is imaginary walking. – Edwin V Mitchell

    One kind of walking which I do not recall seeing mentioned anywhere in the literature of the subject is imaginary walking.– Edwin V Mitchell

  • The passion to teach, to share deeplyexperienced -œlessons from life,- is embedded in all literature. – Vera B Williams

    The passion to teach, to share deeplyexperienced -œlessons from life,- is embedded in all literature.– Vera B Williams