Top Machines Quotes

  • You don’t have to take it out on my typewrite ya’ know. It’s not the machine’s fault that you can’t write. It’s a sin to do that to a good machine. – Sam Shepard

    You don’t have to take it out on my typewrite ya’ know. It’s not the machine’s fault that you can’t write. It’s a sin to do that to a good machine.– Sam Shepard

  • if we lose our human values by having everything mechanied, then machines will dictate our lives. – Dalai Lama XIV

    if we lose our human values by having everything mechanied, then machines will dictate our lives.– Dalai Lama XIV

  • We have too many cellphones. We’ve got too many internets. We have got to get rid of those machines. We have too many machines now. – Ray Bradbury

    We have too many cellphones. We’ve got too many internets. We have got to get rid of those machines. We have too many machines now.– Ray Bradbury

  • People degrade themselves in order to make machines seem smart all the time. – Jaron Lanier

    People degrade themselves in order to make machines seem smart all the time.– Jaron Lanier

  • How will machines know what we value if we don’t know ourselves? – John C Havens

    How will machines know what we value if we don’t know ourselves?– John C Havens

  • It’s safe to assume that by 2085 guns will be sold in vending machines but you won’t be able to smoke anywhere in America. – David Sedaris

    It’s safe to assume that by 2085 guns will be sold in vending machines but you won’t be able to smoke anywhere in America.– David Sedaris

  • Time machines, magic portals, transporters, worm holes, flying carpets, relocation charms-”such things do exist. They’re called books. – Richelle E Goodrich

    Time machines, magic portals, transporters, worm holes, flying carpets, relocation charms-”such things do exist. They’re called books.– Richelle E Goodrich

  • They were determined to find something mechanically wrong with him – because broken machines are easier to fix. p303 – Lionel Shriver

    They were determined to find something mechanically wrong with him – because broken machines are easier to fix. p303– Lionel Shriver

  • The convenient function of every celebrated machine for living is to produce machines to live in them. – Chris Campanioni

    The convenient function of every celebrated machine for living is to produce machines to live in them.– Chris Campanioni

  • When you look at the stars.. your eyes are time machines – Waqas Rabbani

    When you look at the stars.. your eyes are time machines– Waqas Rabbani