Top Manufactured Quotes

  • Attraction is easily manufactured. – Erica Goros

    Attraction is easily manufactured.– Erica Goros

  • You call it thought. I call it a mind manufactured invisible powerful product. – Debasish Mridha MD

    You call it thought. I call it a mind manufactured invisible powerful product.– Debasish Mridha MD

  • The imagination gland doesn’t die. It just becomes reliant on manufactured spirit. – SA Tawks

    The imagination gland doesn’t die. It just becomes reliant on manufactured spirit.– SA Tawks

  • Manufactured spirit is much more reliable than organic spirit. – SA Tawks

    Manufactured spirit is much more reliable than organic spirit.– SA Tawks

  • Success is manufactured in the Mind, while Happiness is cultivated in the Soul – Philip McKernan

    Success is manufactured in the Mind, while Happiness is cultivated in the Soul– Philip McKernan

  • The mind is the laboratory where products, both fake and genuine are manufactured. People grow wild weeds, others grow flourishing flowers! – Israelmore Ayivor

    The mind is the laboratory where products, both fake and genuine are manufactured. People grow wild weeds, others grow flourishing flowers!– Israelmore Ayivor

  • Thoughts are a product manufactured by the relentless effort of the machine we call a mind. – Debasish Mridha MD

    Thoughts are a product manufactured by the relentless effort of the machine we call a mind.– Debasish Mridha MD

  • When dealing with two faced people, it is difficult to know which face is uglier, the real one or the manufactured one. – Matshona Dhliwayo

    When dealing with two faced people, it is difficult to know which face is uglier, the real one or the manufactured one.– Matshona Dhliwayo

  • This book of mine has not been manufactured: it has been garnered. – Marcel Proust

    This book of mine has not been manufactured: it has been garnered.– Marcel Proust