Top Matter Quotes

  • There are things far worse than death, for when it comes to us it is final. What lies beyond it is a matter of faith in what we had hope for. – R Alan Woods

    There are things far worse than death, for when it comes to us it is final. What lies beyond it is a matter of faith in what we had hope for.– R Alan Woods

  • Some bridges you crossed on your own, no matter who drove you to the edge. – JR Ward

    Some bridges you crossed on your own, no matter who drove you to the edge.– JR Ward

  • I have no interest in dying.But I have to. I have to care one day about things that don’t matter to me. – Noah Cicero

    I have no interest in dying.But I have to. I have to care one day about things that don’t matter to me.– Noah Cicero

  • Life and death is a matter of destiny, just like day and night is the law of the universe. Chuang Tzu – Sung Yee Poon

    Life and death is a matter of destiny, just like day and night is the law of the universe. Chuang Tzu– Sung Yee Poon

  • You can’t tell the audience -” well, you can, but I don’t like to tell the audience -” that anything they’re watching doesn’t matter. – Dan  Harmon

    You can’t tell the audience -” well, you can, but I don’t like to tell the audience -” that anything they’re watching doesn’t matter.– Dan Harmon

  • You can’t tell the audience -” well, you can, but I don’t like to tell the audience -” that anything they’re watching doesn’t matter.– Dan Harmon

  • And I wondered how it would feel to be in Heaven and not have my face matter anymore. Just like how it never, ever mattered to Daisy. – RJ Palacio

    And I wondered how it would feel to be in Heaven and not have my face matter anymore. Just like how it never, ever mattered to Daisy.– RJ Palacio

  • I know it does not matter that I do not understand. – Brendan Kennelly

    I know it does not matter that I do not understand.– Brendan Kennelly

  • No matter what the situation may be, I still take pleasure in witnessing the joy of others. – Haruki Murakami

    No matter what the situation may be, I still take pleasure in witnessing the joy of others.– Haruki Murakami

  • No matter how much enthusiasm and effort you put into writing, if you totally lack literary talent you can forget about being a novelist. – Haruki Murakami

    No matter how much enthusiasm and effort you put into writing, if you totally lack literary talent you can forget about being a novelist.– Haruki Murakami