Top MeansTo Quotes

  • to be a poet meansto live with a permanent wound forever susceptibleto either the shade of the skyor someone’s eyes. – Sanober  Khan

    to be a poet meansto live with a permanent wound forever susceptibleto either the shade of the skyor someone’s eyes.– Sanober Khan

  • holding the eveningtremblingly close to mei weepinto the sun lettingthe burdenof hopelift off my chesti realizethis is what it meansto be free. – Sanober  Khan

    holding the eveningtremblingly close to mei weepinto the sun lettingthe burdenof hopelift off my chesti realizethis is what it meansto be free.– Sanober Khan

  • Only ,a lonely heart Can tell What it meansTo be lonely – Sami Abouzid

    Only ,a lonely heart Can tell What it meansTo be lonely– Sami Abouzid