Top Meeting Quotes

  • The risen Lord is the new Temple, the real meeting place between God and man. – Pope Benedict XVI

    The risen Lord is the new Temple, the real meeting place between God and man.– Pope Benedict XVI

  • Somewhere within the meeting of our eyes, our souls were bonding, even if our day to day lives were far apart. – Carol Drinkwater

    Somewhere within the meeting of our eyes, our souls were bonding, even if our day to day lives were far apart.– Carol Drinkwater

  • The worst part of writing is meeting all these great new characters and having no one to talk about (the adventures you share with) them. – Claudia Bakker

    The worst part of writing is meeting all these great new characters and having no one to talk about (the adventures you share with) them.– Claudia Bakker

  • Whatever the Clave was discussing, the Council meeting was dragging on brutally late. -œBut he knows New York. He doesn’t know Alicante-” – Cassandra Clare

    Whatever the Clave was discussing, the Council meeting was dragging on brutally late. -œBut he knows New York. He doesn’t know Alicante-”– Cassandra Clare

  • Um, h-h-hi,- Sophie stammered, closing the door behind her. Meeting her gaze were crystal eyes like blue shards of glass. – Jennifer Lane

    Um, h-h-hi,- Sophie stammered, closing the door behind her. Meeting her gaze were crystal eyes like blue shards of glass.– Jennifer Lane

  • He had no notion of meeting danger half-way. When it came upon him, he confronted it, but it must come before he troubled himself. – Charles ens

    He had no notion of meeting danger half-way. When it came upon him, he confronted it, but it must come before he troubled himself.– Charles ens

  • Why was the meeting between the Americans and the Russians so tensed?Because nobody knows what Vladimir Put In Barbara’s Bush! From ‘Walk On By II – Stephan Attia

    Why was the meeting between the Americans and the Russians so tensed?Because nobody knows what Vladimir Put In Barbara’s Bush! From ‘Walk On By II– Stephan Attia

  • Meeting him was fate, loving him was a choice, and spending the rest of my life with him-¦ well that was destiny. – TK Chapin

    Meeting him was fate, loving him was a choice, and spending the rest of my life with him-¦ well that was destiny.– TK Chapin

  • Meeting him was a miracle. He was a precious gift sent from God from heaven above! – Lily Amis

    Meeting him was a miracle. He was a precious gift sent from God from heaven above!– Lily Amis

  • We both want you dead. I’m bringing the friendship bracelets to the next meeting. – Nenia Campbell

    We both want you dead. I’m bringing the friendship bracelets to the next meeting.– Nenia Campbell