Top Merges Quotes

  • Putting a piece of you in your protagonist adds depth and merges the worlds of fiction and reality. – Adam Steven Page

    Putting a piece of you in your protagonist adds depth and merges the worlds of fiction and reality.– Adam Steven Page

  • I’ve been working on something that merges rap with classical-¦. I call it Baby’s Got Bach. – Michael LaRocca

    I’ve been working on something that merges rap with classical-¦. I call it Baby’s Got Bach.– Michael LaRocca

  • When you cross that chasm so that what you believe to be true merges into what is actually true, you have earned the right to inner peace. – Hyrum W Smith

    When you cross that chasm so that what you believe to be true merges into what is actually true, you have earned the right to inner peace.– Hyrum W Smith