Top MindThe Quotes

  • THE HEAVENSTo the mallet of the Highest MindThe heavens are the smallest possible ball.(Akhlaq-i-Mohsini) – Idries Shah

    THE HEAVENSTo the mallet of the Highest MindThe heavens are the smallest possible ball.(Akhlaq-i-Mohsini)– Idries Shah

  • The greater the wisdom,the greater the mind.The greater the courage,the greater the heart.The greater the love,the greater the soul. – Matshona Dhliwayo

    The greater the wisdom,the greater the mind.The greater the courage,the greater the heart.The greater the love,the greater the soul.– Matshona Dhliwayo

  • Keep a clear picture of your goals in mind.The power of imagination is unlimited. – Lailah Gifty Akita

    Keep a clear picture of your goals in mind.The power of imagination is unlimited.– Lailah Gifty Akita

  • The world surrenders to an enlightened mind.The stars surrender to a joyful heart. The universe surrenders to a loving soul. – Matshona Dhliwayo

    The world surrenders to an enlightened mind.The stars surrender to a joyful heart. The universe surrenders to a loving soul.– Matshona Dhliwayo

  • The desire to belong is in every mind.The desire to get lost in love is in every heart. – Debasish Mridha

    The desire to belong is in every mind.The desire to get lost in love is in every heart.– Debasish Mridha

  • O love! Poor love! How did you pierce my heart? How did touch my soul?How did you win my mind?The judgmental ever-complaining mind. – Debasish Mridha

    O love! Poor love! How did you pierce my heart? How did touch my soul?How did you win my mind?The judgmental ever-complaining mind.– Debasish Mridha