Top Model Quotes

  • Imitation cannot go above its model. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Imitation cannot go above its model.– Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. – Richard Buckminster Bucky Fuller

    You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.– Richard Buckminster Bucky Fuller

  • I was born to become victorious, to become a model, to inspire others and to become a leader. – Nathaniel E Quimada

    I was born to become victorious, to become a model, to inspire others and to become a leader.– Nathaniel E Quimada

  • People do man-candy model shoots that don’t look nearly a tenth as ??????-worthy as you right now. – Cristin Harber

    People do man-candy model shoots that don’t look nearly a tenth as ??????-worthy as you right now.– Cristin Harber

  • What is that thing? It looks like a model of the human digestive tract made from broken beer bottles and sadness. – Robert Kroese

    What is that thing? It looks like a model of the human digestive tract made from broken beer bottles and sadness.– Robert Kroese

  • The only working model of socialism I have ever seen is in an elementary school classroom. – RM ArceJaeger

    The only working model of socialism I have ever seen is in an elementary school classroom.– RM ArceJaeger

  • High Maintenance; I don’t like to live in place that snows a lot, albeit I’d love to visit one. I won’t marry a super model, albeit date one. – Yatin Patel

    High Maintenance; I don’t like to live in place that snows a lot, albeit I’d love to visit one. I won’t marry a super model, albeit date one.– Yatin Patel

  • The power to change comes from within and they have to want to change. Instead, be a role model and encourage by example. – Sharon Law Tucker

    The power to change comes from within and they have to want to change. Instead, be a role model and encourage by example.– Sharon Law Tucker

  • You think you’re a role model, and they (protégés)turn around and tell you you’re a negative role model. – Judith Rodin

    You think you’re a role model, and they (protégés)turn around and tell you you’re a negative role model.– Judith Rodin

  • My role as a role model is to teach my generation how to excel in the role of distinction. – Onyi Anyado

    My role as a role model is to teach my generation how to excel in the role of distinction.– Onyi Anyado