Top Myself Quotes

  • I might be manipulating you to create risk for myself. – Sharon Stone

    I might be manipulating you to create risk for myself.– Sharon Stone

  • I began asking myself just what my high was about. What did I do when I was high that I didn’t do when I was sober? What was wrong that heroin fixed? – Pax Prentiss

    I began asking myself just what my high was about. What did I do when I was high that I didn’t do when I was sober? What was wrong that heroin fixed?– Pax Prentiss

  • I recovered from recovering so no longer celebrate not doing bad things to defend myself as good. I added new bad for good measure. – Brian Spellman

    I recovered from recovering so no longer celebrate not doing bad things to defend myself as good. I added new bad for good measure.– Brian Spellman

  • I had drunk myself to oblivion,Stepped from the room into a dreamless slumber,My consciousness had parted ways,Taking a well-earned vacation. – Morris R Gates

    I had drunk myself to oblivion,Stepped from the room into a dreamless slumber,My consciousness had parted ways,Taking a well-earned vacation.– Morris R Gates

  • Should I really set her free, and free myself too of the fear – the fear of missing her, forever? Is that what my love for her is leaving me with? – Prashant Chopra

    Should I really set her free, and free myself too of the fear – the fear of missing her, forever? Is that what my love for her is leaving me with?– Prashant Chopra

  • I would only blame myself if something happened to you. – Shannon A Thompson

    I would only blame myself if something happened to you.– Shannon A Thompson

  • The passive righteousness of faith frees me from passing final judgment on myself. – Tullian Tchividjian

    The passive righteousness of faith frees me from passing final judgment on myself.– Tullian Tchividjian

  • … I love him… not because he’s handsome… but because he’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same… – Emily Bront

    … I love him… not because he’s handsome… but because he’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same…– Emily Bront

  • I’m a movement by myself, but I’m a force when we’re together. – NeYo

    I’m a movement by myself, but I’m a force when we’re together.– NeYo

  • I don’t put that pressure on myself (to write every day), but I do tend to write every day. It’s not pressure-”it’s pressure release. – Roxane Gay

    I don’t put that pressure on myself (to write every day), but I do tend to write every day. It’s not pressure-”it’s pressure release.– Roxane Gay