Top Nigger Quotes

  • Whenever a word ”nigga” is spoken, It’s always followed by the same question, Can white people say nigger ?and the correct answer is Not really. – Auliq a

    Whenever a word ”nigga” is spoken, It’s always followed by the same question, Can white people say nigger ?and the correct answer is Not really.– Auliq a

  • «Couldn’t never be nothin’ but a nigger, if I was ever so good,» said Topsy. «If I could be skinned, and come white, I’d try then.» – Harriet Beecher Stowe

    «Couldn’t never be nothin’ but a nigger, if I was ever so good,» said Topsy. «If I could be skinned, and come white, I’d try then.»– Harriet Beecher Stowe

  • When someone calls you a ‘nigger’, then you feel sorry for him… You have to pity him because his mind has such a sorry way of expressing itself. – Adam Makos

    When someone calls you a ‘nigger’, then you feel sorry for him… You have to pity him because his mind has such a sorry way of expressing itself.– Adam Makos

  • The nigger is America’s greatest asset and its biggest fear – Mychal Denzel Smith

    The nigger is America’s greatest asset and its biggest fear– Mychal Denzel Smith