Top Ourselves Quotes

  • The greatest war we fight is the one within ourselves. – Eric Christopher Jackson

    The greatest war we fight is the one within ourselves.– Eric Christopher Jackson

  • The greatest war we fight is the one within ourselves.– Eric Christopher Jackson

  • Most of the time, our fight is all about saving us from ourselves. – Akshay Vasu

    Most of the time, our fight is all about saving us from ourselves.– Akshay Vasu

  • Most of the time, our fight is all about saving us from ourselves.– Akshay Vasu

  • We cry for ourselves, don’t we? Not for the dead. The dead are past caring. – Clive Barker

    We cry for ourselves, don’t we? Not for the dead. The dead are past caring.– Clive Barker

  • Just when we stopped wanting to kill ourselves, we started to die. – David Levithan

    Just when we stopped wanting to kill ourselves, we started to die.– David Levithan

  • Jest when we stopped wanting to kill ourselves, we started to die. – David Levithan

    Jest when we stopped wanting to kill ourselves, we started to die.– David Levithan

  • That’s my wish for our community, as it were, that during this very confusing and amazing time, we be gentle with ourselves, and with each other. – Thea Hillman

    That’s my wish for our community, as it were, that during this very confusing and amazing time, we be gentle with ourselves, and with each other.– Thea Hillman

  • We make ourselves large or small, here or there, in our empathies. – Rebecca Solnit

    We make ourselves large or small, here or there, in our empathies.– Rebecca Solnit

  • Empathy allows us to enter the world of another. It allows us to take a mental vacation from ourselves. – Arthur P Ciaramicoli

    Empathy allows us to enter the world of another. It allows us to take a mental vacation from ourselves.– Arthur P Ciaramicoli