Top Parcel Quotes

  • The bad stuff that is part and parcel of contrived social existence takes a back seat when you concentrate on the heart of Life itself. – Valley Brown

    The bad stuff that is part and parcel of contrived social existence takes a back seat when you concentrate on the heart of Life itself.– Valley Brown

  • Suffering is part and parcel of extensive intelligence and a feeling heart. – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    Suffering is part and parcel of extensive intelligence and a feeling heart.– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

  • A self is not something static, tied up in a pretty parcel and handed to the child, finished and complete. A self is always becoming. – Madeleine LEngle

    A self is not something static, tied up in a pretty parcel and handed to the child, finished and complete. A self is always becoming.– Madeleine LEngle

  • Modern traveling is not traveling at all; it is merely being sent to a place, and very little different from becoming a parcel. – John Ruskin

    Modern traveling is not traveling at all; it is merely being sent to a place, and very little different from becoming a parcel.– John Ruskin

  • A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small parcel. – John Ruskin

    A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small parcel.– John Ruskin