Top Permanent Quotes

  • Maybe the things she loved most weren’t meant to be permanent. Maybe the fact that they existed was enough. – Julie Schumacher

    Maybe the things she loved most weren’t meant to be permanent. Maybe the fact that they existed was enough.– Julie Schumacher

  • If something’s permanent, it’s definitely not love. – Rushabh Patel

    If something’s permanent, it’s definitely not love.– Rushabh Patel

  • This is not the person I wanted to become: Hatred has carved a permanent place inside me, a hollow where things are so easily lost. – Lauren Oliver

    This is not the person I wanted to become: Hatred has carved a permanent place inside me, a hollow where things are so easily lost.– Lauren Oliver

  • Death is permanent. There’s no coming back if you get off the ferryman’s boat. – Martha Sweeney

    Death is permanent. There’s no coming back if you get off the ferryman’s boat.– Martha Sweeney

  • Death is permanent. There’s no coming back if you get off the ferryman’s boat.– Martha Sweeney

  • Hospital life–with its byzantine array of moving parts layered atop the unpredictable rhythms of illness–is a permanent state of flux. – Danielle Ofri

    Hospital life–with its byzantine array of moving parts layered atop the unpredictable rhythms of illness–is a permanent state of flux.– Danielle Ofri

  • Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect. – Samuel Johnson

    Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.– Samuel Johnson

  • …your personality is the only permanent thing in your, ultimately, temporary life…that’s all the more reason to cherish it… – Isabella Koldras

    …your personality is the only permanent thing in your, ultimately, temporary life…that’s all the more reason to cherish it…– Isabella Koldras

  • Every fashion is temporary but the concept of fashion is permanent! – Mehmet Murat ildan

    Every fashion is temporary but the concept of fashion is permanent!– Mehmet Murat ildan

  • By being rigid, you become temporary; by being flexible, you become permanent! – Mehmet Murat ildan

    By being rigid, you become temporary; by being flexible, you become permanent!– Mehmet Murat ildan