Top Permit Quotes

  • God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty. – Peter Marshall

    God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty.– Peter Marshall

  • Perhaps she would learn in time to permit both her daughter and her gods to govern their own affairs. – Thornton Wilder

    Perhaps she would learn in time to permit both her daughter and her gods to govern their own affairs.– Thornton Wilder

  • Perseverance is impossible if we don’t permit ourselves to hope. – Dean Koontz

    Perseverance is impossible if we don’t permit ourselves to hope.– Dean Koontz

  • The goal of libertarianism is not to permit people to be free, but to make them realize that they don’t need anyone’s permission to be free. – Jakub Boydar Winiewski

    The goal of libertarianism is not to permit people to be free, but to make them realize that they don’t need anyone’s permission to be free.– Jakub Boydar Winiewski

  • Jennifer Merrick had stored all her tears inside her, and her pride and courage would never permit her to break down and shed them. – Judith McNaught

    Jennifer Merrick had stored all her tears inside her, and her pride and courage would never permit her to break down and shed them.– Judith McNaught

  • To be free from destruction mindset of sin is to permit the lordship of Christ – Sunday Adelaja

    To be free from destruction mindset of sin is to permit the lordship of Christ– Sunday Adelaja

  • The government (or humanity) would not permit capital punishment for one man, but they permitted the murder of millions a little at a time. – Yevgeny Zamyatin

    The government (or humanity) would not permit capital punishment for one man, but they permitted the murder of millions a little at a time.– Yevgeny Zamyatin

  • I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him. – Booker T Washington

    I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.– Booker T Washington

  • My parents would not permit ugly language in the house, which was okay with me. I didn’t want to learn German anyway. – Alex Bosworth

    My parents would not permit ugly language in the house, which was okay with me. I didn’t want to learn German anyway.– Alex Bosworth

  • Always take all the time to reflect that circumstances permit, but when the time for action has come, stop thinking. (Andrew Jackson) – Jon Meacham

    Always take all the time to reflect that circumstances permit, but when the time for action has come, stop thinking. (Andrew Jackson)– Jon Meacham