Top Persons Quotes

  • Like a firework, a person’s life flashed brightest right before expiration. – Katherine McIntyre

    Like a firework, a person’s life flashed brightest right before expiration.– Katherine McIntyre

  • In every bad situation we have to see Satan’s motives behind a person’s actions – Sunday Adelaja

    In every bad situation we have to see Satan’s motives behind a person’s actions– Sunday Adelaja

  • If the truth was equal to the lie, and our love was equal to our hatred, we would become absolutely nil persons. – Marieta Maglas Eschatological Regression

    If the truth was equal to the lie, and our love was equal to our hatred, we would become absolutely nil persons.– Marieta Maglas Eschatological Regression

  • We learn to become more empathic when we slow down, become present, and are fully committed to understanding another person’s uniqueness. – Arthur P Ciaramicoli

    We learn to become more empathic when we slow down, become present, and are fully committed to understanding another person’s uniqueness.– Arthur P Ciaramicoli

  • A person’s value is attached to a variable exponent. – David Bajo

    A person’s value is attached to a variable exponent.– David Bajo

  • One person’s success is another’s first step, only you can rate your achievements and find peace within yourself. – Robert Zeidan

    One person’s success is another’s first step, only you can rate your achievements and find peace within yourself.– Robert Zeidan

  • The very persons who have taken away my time and space are those who have given me something to say. – Katherine Paterson

    The very persons who have taken away my time and space are those who have given me something to say.– Katherine Paterson

  • Why play, lounge or labour in a social wasteland? It’s toxicity is contagious, and no respecter of persons. Fall back! – TF Hodge

    Why play, lounge or labour in a social wasteland? It’s toxicity is contagious, and no respecter of persons. Fall back!– TF Hodge

  • What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy. – Voltaire

    What most persons consider as virtue, after the age of 40 is simply a loss of energy.– Voltaire

  • Don’t waste your life by living in another person’s shoes – Kishore Bansal

    Don’t waste your life by living in another person’s shoes– Kishore Bansal