Top Philosopher Quotes

  • Being a philosopher requires a lot of thinking and no action. Being a model requires a lot of action and no thinking. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    Being a philosopher requires a lot of thinking and no action. Being a model requires a lot of action and no thinking.– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  • People can think only in images. If you want to be a philosopher, write novels. – Albert Camus

    People can think only in images. If you want to be a philosopher, write novels.– Albert Camus

  • All the hungers will kill, but hunger of loneliness turns you into a philosopher. – MF Moonzajer

    All the hungers will kill, but hunger of loneliness turns you into a philosopher.– MF Moonzajer

  • I am neither a philosopher nor a thinker, but simply follower of my own thoughts. – MF Moonzajer

    I am neither a philosopher nor a thinker, but simply follower of my own thoughts.– MF Moonzajer

  • I am not a philosopher but a friend, who, with great love and care, wants to share his thoughts. – Debasish Mridha

    I am not a philosopher but a friend, who, with great love and care, wants to share his thoughts.– Debasish Mridha

  • A dog has the soul of a philosopher. – Plato

    A dog has the soul of a philosopher.– Plato

  • One believed what one was told to believe, what it made sense to believe. Unless one was a foreigner, of course, or a philosopher. – Iain M Banks

    One believed what one was told to believe, what it made sense to believe. Unless one was a foreigner, of course, or a philosopher.– Iain M Banks

  • As that great philosopher, Mary Poppins, once said, ‘A spoonful of sugar makes the feminism go down. – Irene Ziegler

    As that great philosopher, Mary Poppins, once said, ‘A spoonful of sugar makes the feminism go down.– Irene Ziegler

  • To a common man, the opulence of the day makes no sense but to a philosopher, it is as clear as a night in the southern France. – Indiana Lang

    To a common man, the opulence of the day makes no sense but to a philosopher, it is as clear as a night in the southern France.– Indiana Lang

  • Not every leader is a philosopher, but each leader should cultivate a philosophical mindset. – Pearl Zhu

    Not every leader is a philosopher, but each leader should cultivate a philosophical mindset.– Pearl Zhu