Top Pills Quotes

  • my mother died of an overdose of sleeping pills after extensive surgery so that the cause of death was probably listed as despair. – Sue Grafton

    my mother died of an overdose of sleeping pills after extensive surgery so that the cause of death was probably listed as despair.– Sue Grafton

  • When I get home I take some sleeping pills and within what seemed like half an hour of unconsciousness it was Monday morning again. – Irvine Welsh

    When I get home I take some sleeping pills and within what seemed like half an hour of unconsciousness it was Monday morning again.– Irvine Welsh

  • It’s okay to be absurd, ridiculous, and downright irrational at times; silliness is sweet syrup that helps us swallow the bitter pills of life. – Richelle E Goodrich

    It’s okay to be absurd, ridiculous, and downright irrational at times; silliness is sweet syrup that helps us swallow the bitter pills of life.– Richelle E Goodrich

  • As we’re bombarded daily with new ads for pills, diets and ab-doers, we have to protect our wallets and our time. – Dan John

    As we’re bombarded daily with new ads for pills, diets and ab-doers, we have to protect our wallets and our time.– Dan John

  • A woman’s not a woman till the pills wear off. – Kurt Vonnegut Jr

    A woman’s not a woman till the pills wear off.– Kurt Vonnegut Jr

  • When I took the pills, I wanted to kill someone I hated. I didn’t know that other Veronikas existed inside me, Veronikas that I could love. – Paulo Coelho

    When I took the pills, I wanted to kill someone I hated. I didn’t know that other Veronikas existed inside me, Veronikas that I could love.– Paulo Coelho

  • Some [young people] are taking pills called -œheaven or hell- drugs, because you’re liable to experience either one. – Billy Graham

    Some [young people] are taking pills called -œheaven or hell- drugs, because you’re liable to experience either one.– Billy Graham

  • I don’t make people smoke pot or meth, snort coke, put pills or tabs in their mouths or shoot themselves up with heroin. I just transport the stuff. – SA Tawks

    I don’t make people smoke pot or meth, snort coke, put pills or tabs in their mouths or shoot themselves up with heroin. I just transport the stuff.– SA Tawks

  • Prayer is better than pills. – Carla H Krueger

    Prayer is better than pills.– Carla H Krueger

  • So those pills that offered painless relief stayed stored on the shelf, out of the strength of her reach, high atop the altar of platitudes. – JR Hamantaschen

    So those pills that offered painless relief stayed stored on the shelf, out of the strength of her reach, high atop the altar of platitudes.– JR Hamantaschen