Top Place Quotes
Addiction is just a little hiding place where sensitive people can go so we don’t have to be touched by love or pain.– Glennon Doyle Melton
Don’t try fixing something that is already broken in the first place.– John Robert Go
A scar on the heart will heal. Let your love remain pure as if it was never cut in the first place.– Aline Alzime
You know you’re in a good place when you no longer are interested in looking back. You prefer to enjoy the journey.– Karen Salmansohn
And guilt is heavy, like an anchor holding me in place and hindering any and all advancement.– Kim Holden
A crucial factor when achieving great success in the real estate industry, or any industry for that matter, is teamwork. Unity is a place of power.– Michelle Moore
The risen Lord is the new Temple, the real meeting place between God and man.– Pope Benedict XVI
Dating from the place of internal emotional safety tells your being that you will care for it well.– Amy Leigh Mercree
Keep moving. Have a goal, One day you will arrive at a place that is better than the place where you were, even if it is only in your head.– Linda Bloodworth Thomason
Cats can work out mathematically the exact place to sit that will cause most inconvenience.– Pam Brown