Top Plot Quotes

  • Christmas is not a story birthed of a humanized god for it simply doesn’t fit into the rubric of such an emaciated plot. – Craig D Lounsbrough

    Christmas is not a story birthed of a humanized god for it simply doesn’t fit into the rubric of such an emaciated plot.– Craig D Lounsbrough

  • I’m going to get even, I swear I will. Mark my words, I’m a pregnant cranky woman with insomnia. I have time to plot my revenge. – Kim Gruenenfelder

    I’m going to get even, I swear I will. Mark my words, I’m a pregnant cranky woman with insomnia. I have time to plot my revenge.– Kim Gruenenfelder

  • Bread and water will not break me, and if you choose to isolate me, I shall have only but more time to plot against my oppressors. – JV Hart

    Bread and water will not break me, and if you choose to isolate me, I shall have only but more time to plot against my oppressors.– JV Hart

  • A person does not grow from the ground like a vine or a tree, one is not part of a plot of land. Mankind has legs so it can wander. – Roman Payne

    A person does not grow from the ground like a vine or a tree, one is not part of a plot of land. Mankind has legs so it can wander.– Roman Payne

  • preemptive strike n.A blow or punch delivered by military aircraft to a target who is suspected of being adverse to one’s plot for world domination. – Leslie Starr OHara

    preemptive strike n.A blow or punch delivered by military aircraft to a target who is suspected of being adverse to one’s plot for world domination.– Leslie Starr OHara

  • Christ in a Pinata` how have I over complicated the plot? – Scott Parker

    Christ in a Pinata` how have I over complicated the plot?– Scott Parker

  • A life without trouble and tragedy is boring and not a plot for comedy. – Debasish Mridha

    A life without trouble and tragedy is boring and not a plot for comedy.– Debasish Mridha

  • Plot comes from the mind but the characters come from the heart! – Varsha Dixit

    Plot comes from the mind but the characters come from the heart!– Varsha Dixit

  • Potential was a red herring to plot a life of wandering curiosity. – Nicholas Dawidoff

    Potential was a red herring to plot a life of wandering curiosity.– Nicholas Dawidoff

  • Taken together the Internet reads like the grandest character-driven novel humanity has ever known. Not much plot though. – Victor LaValle

    Taken together the Internet reads like the grandest character-driven novel humanity has ever known. Not much plot though.– Victor LaValle