Top Praised Quotes

  • Nobody deserves to be praised for goodness unless he is strong enough to be bad. – Franois de La Rochefoucauld

    Nobody deserves to be praised for goodness unless he is strong enough to be bad.– Franois de La Rochefoucauld

  • Let us be honest we have praised Angulimala, will make no difference If you convey my salute to Amrapali. – Suman Pokhrel

    Let us be honest we have praised Angulimala, will make no difference If you convey my salute to Amrapali.– Suman Pokhrel

  • Stars are not praised for shining during the day, but at night. – Matshona Dhliwayo

    Stars are not praised for shining during the day, but at night.– Matshona Dhliwayo

  • Everyone, no matter how historically famous or modernly praised, has no idea about the ultimate truth of what it means to be human. – Chris Matakas

    Everyone, no matter how historically famous or modernly praised, has no idea about the ultimate truth of what it means to be human.– Chris Matakas

  • My loneliness was born when men praised my talkative faults and blamed my silent virtues. – Kahlil Gibran

    My loneliness was born when men praised my talkative faults and blamed my silent virtues.– Kahlil Gibran

  • I fear I have praised you too much too soon. Will I lose you in your shame of believing that you can never be what I think you are? – Kate McGahan

    I fear I have praised you too much too soon. Will I lose you in your shame of believing that you can never be what I think you are?– Kate McGahan

  • A legendary horse is praised not for its strength, but for its Integrity. – Confucius

    A legendary horse is praised not for its strength, but for its Integrity.– Confucius

  • Your target market are more bothered about whether what you sell will get them promoted, sacked, recognised, accepted, praised or laid. – Chris     Murray

    Your target market are more bothered about whether what you sell will get them promoted, sacked, recognised, accepted, praised or laid.– Chris Murray

  • A Woman who is generous with her money is to be praised; not so, if she is generous with her person – Marcus Fabius Quintilianus

    A Woman who is generous with her money is to be praised; not so, if she is generous with her person– Marcus Fabius Quintilianus