Top Pressure Quotes

  • I don’t put that pressure on myself (to write every day), but I do tend to write every day. It’s not pressure-”it’s pressure release. – Roxane Gay

    I don’t put that pressure on myself (to write every day), but I do tend to write every day. It’s not pressure-”it’s pressure release.– Roxane Gay

  • Perhaps I should just bury myself and become a diamond after thousands of years of intense pressure – Lemony Snicket

    Perhaps I should just bury myself and become a diamond after thousands of years of intense pressure– Lemony Snicket

  • Perhaps I should just bury myself and become a diamond after thousands of years of intense pressure– Lemony Snicket

  • …Goldfinger could not have known that high tension was Bond’s natural way of life and that pressure and danger relaxed him. – Ian Fleming

    …Goldfinger could not have known that high tension was Bond’s natural way of life and that pressure and danger relaxed him.– Ian Fleming

  • Without a whole lot of pressure, a diamond is just a piece of coal. – Miriam Darnell

    Without a whole lot of pressure, a diamond is just a piece of coal.– Miriam Darnell

  • One way to get high blood pressure is to go mountain climbing over molehills. – Earl Wilson

    One way to get high blood pressure is to go mountain climbing over molehills.– Earl Wilson

  • Added pressure and responsibility should not change one’s leadership style, it should merely expose that which already exists. – Mark W Boyer

    Added pressure and responsibility should not change one’s leadership style, it should merely expose that which already exists.– Mark W Boyer

  • If you choose to engage in one night stands, make sure you have a good reason and peer pressure is NOT one. – Shahla Khan

    If you choose to engage in one night stands, make sure you have a good reason and peer pressure is NOT one.– Shahla Khan

  • Animals and nature are known to open our hearts, calm us, and reduce blood pressure and stress. – Baptist de Pape

    Animals and nature are known to open our hearts, calm us, and reduce blood pressure and stress.– Baptist de Pape

  • If you want to get results in your life try with comedy… first pressure then apply comedy. Always it shallow the shitty life-pressure! – Deyth Banger

    If you want to get results in your life try with comedy… first pressure then apply comedy. Always it shallow the shitty life-pressure!– Deyth Banger