Top Privileged Quotes

  • There is only one class of men, the privileged class – Albert Camus

    There is only one class of men, the privileged class– Albert Camus

  • Deception and privileged secrets are common facets of politics. – Wayne Gerard Trotman

    Deception and privileged secrets are common facets of politics.– Wayne Gerard Trotman

  • Political correctness’ as ‘over-sensitivity’ is code for saying the privileged shouldn’t have their unearned privileges questioned. – DaShanne Stokes

    Political correctness’ as ‘over-sensitivity’ is code for saying the privileged shouldn’t have their unearned privileges questioned.– DaShanne Stokes

  • It is not important how they treat the most privileged (or most famous people) [in a country], but how they treat the less privileged ones. – Christina Rickardsson

    It is not important how they treat the most privileged (or most famous people) [in a country], but how they treat the less privileged ones.– Christina Rickardsson

  • Political correctness’ is a label the privileged often use to distract from their privilege and hate. – DaShanne Stokes

    Political correctness’ is a label the privileged often use to distract from their privilege and hate.– DaShanne Stokes

  • Though we might like to think so, humankind is not at any special, unique or privileged location in the gargantuan, perhaps infinite, Universe. – Eric Chaisson

    Though we might like to think so, humankind is not at any special, unique or privileged location in the gargantuan, perhaps infinite, Universe.– Eric Chaisson

  • Bigots often like to say they’re the ones being hurt as they oppress and hurt others. Never fall for the ‘pity the privileged’ routine. – DaShanne Stokes

    Bigots often like to say they’re the ones being hurt as they oppress and hurt others. Never fall for the ‘pity the privileged’ routine.– DaShanne Stokes

  • Privileged people can fall into the trap of universalizing experiences and laying them across other people’s experiences as an interpretive lens. – Matt      Chandler

    Privileged people can fall into the trap of universalizing experiences and laying them across other people’s experiences as an interpretive lens.– Matt Chandler

  • Thinking is learning all over again how to see, directing one’s consciousness, making of every image a privileged place. – Albert Camus

    Thinking is learning all over again how to see, directing one’s consciousness, making of every image a privileged place.– Albert Camus

  • Privileged groups, like everyone else, want to think well of themselves and to believe that they are acting generously and justly. – Joanna Russ

    Privileged groups, like everyone else, want to think well of themselves and to believe that they are acting generously and justly.– Joanna Russ