Top Process Quotes

  • If people are not in the process of production, they don’t deserve anything. – Sunday Adelaja

    If people are not in the process of production, they don’t deserve anything.– Sunday Adelaja

  • The process of letting go is an act of accepting. – Debasish Mridha

    The process of letting go is an act of accepting.– Debasish Mridha

  • As you open to love, you can begin the process of defining your intentions for your dating life. – Amy Leigh Mercree

    As you open to love, you can begin the process of defining your intentions for your dating life.– Amy Leigh Mercree

  • The practice of tantra is about inner-transformation. The energy involved in the process of tantric transformation is the energy of our own bliss. – Prana Gogia

    The practice of tantra is about inner-transformation. The energy involved in the process of tantric transformation is the energy of our own bliss.– Prana Gogia

  • Whether your transformation happens through trauma, surprise, or intention, the process begins because of a growing need for change. – Suzy Ross

    Whether your transformation happens through trauma, surprise, or intention, the process begins because of a growing need for change.– Suzy Ross

  • Sometimes stepping away from what you desire the most, is the best action to take: because it gives the process the momentum to take its own course. – Dr Jacinta Mpalyenkana

    Sometimes stepping away from what you desire the most, is the best action to take: because it gives the process the momentum to take its own course.– Dr Jacinta Mpalyenkana

  • The healing process can only truly begin when we are willing to remember. – Phoebe Stone

    The healing process can only truly begin when we are willing to remember.– Phoebe Stone

  • Going mad is the beginning of a process. It is not supposed to be the end result. – Jeanette Winterson

    Going mad is the beginning of a process. It is not supposed to be the end result.– Jeanette Winterson

  • Striving for perfection can get in the way during the early stages of the creative process. – David Kelley

    Striving for perfection can get in the way during the early stages of the creative process.– David Kelley

  • If (or rather when) you move to death, you’ll learn its language through the educational process known as total immersion. (7) – Sandra M Gilbert

    If (or rather when) you move to death, you’ll learn its language through the educational process known as total immersion. (7)– Sandra M Gilbert