Top Psyche Quotes

  • The purpose of life is to familiarize oneself with this after-death body so that the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche. – Terence McKenna

    The purpose of life is to familiarize oneself with this after-death body so that the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche.– Terence McKenna

  • The purpose of life is to familiarize oneself with this after-death body so that the act of dying will not create confusion in the psyche.– Terence McKenna

  • Those who put their heart and soul into something bigger than themselves, never die from the psyche of humanity. – Abhijit Naskar

    Those who put their heart and soul into something bigger than themselves, never die from the psyche of humanity.– Abhijit Naskar

  • Our secrets, odd or not, are the pins that keep our inner life in place: the inform our psyche with meaning. – Andrei Codrescu

    Our secrets, odd or not, are the pins that keep our inner life in place: the inform our psyche with meaning.– Andrei Codrescu

  • Physiologically, the union of two opposites is a pleasurable affair. Why should the psyche be any different? – Anthony Marais

    Physiologically, the union of two opposites is a pleasurable affair. Why should the psyche be any different?– Anthony Marais

  • The psyche of some people, whether through innate structure or via adaption to personal experiences, is uniquely adept for absolute aloneness. – Kilroy J Oldster

    The psyche of some people, whether through innate structure or via adaption to personal experiences, is uniquely adept for absolute aloneness.– Kilroy J Oldster

  • Negative emotions impact the human psyche – Sunday Adelaja

    Negative emotions impact the human psyche– Sunday Adelaja

  • We must clean our national psyche from all manifestation of evil, be it kidnapping, militancy, insurgency, murders or assassinations. – Sunday Adelaja

    We must clean our national psyche from all manifestation of evil, be it kidnapping, militancy, insurgency, murders or assassinations.– Sunday Adelaja

  • You can’t doubt so much, Psyche – Francesca Lia Block

    You can’t doubt so much, Psyche– Francesca Lia Block

  • What better way to oppose the monopolisation of truth and meaning than to go in search of their foundations within one’s own psyche? – Daniel Waterman

    What better way to oppose the monopolisation of truth and meaning than to go in search of their foundations within one’s own psyche?– Daniel Waterman