Top Puffed Quotes

  • most of them are already so puffed up with their imagined importance that they have no idea how silly they sound. – Og Mandino

    most of them are already so puffed up with their imagined importance that they have no idea how silly they sound.– Og Mandino

  • For money buys all virtues. Money suffereth long and is kid, is not puffed up, doth not behave unseemly, seeketh not her own – George Orwell

    For money buys all virtues. Money suffereth long and is kid, is not puffed up, doth not behave unseemly, seeketh not her own– George Orwell

  • A male frigate bird blows up a wild red pouch on his neck. He can keep it puffed up for hours. It is his way of impressing the girls. – Julie  Murphy

    A male frigate bird blows up a wild red pouch on his neck. He can keep it puffed up for hours. It is his way of impressing the girls.– Julie Murphy