Top Punk Quotes

  • The word bollocks seems strong, punk rock, and imposing, but in reality, bollocks is always too tame to make much of an impact. – Jennifer     Harrison

    The word bollocks seems strong, punk rock, and imposing, but in reality, bollocks is always too tame to make much of an impact.– Jennifer Harrison

  • My Japanese isn’t much better today, but at least now I appreciate my duality more than when I was a punk kid. – Gil Asakawa

    My Japanese isn’t much better today, but at least now I appreciate my duality more than when I was a punk kid.– Gil Asakawa

  • My Japanese isn’t much better today, but at least now I appreciate my duality more than when I was a punk kid.– Gil Asakawa

  • Being insulted by a smart-mouthed little punk like you.. really pisses me off! – Sui Ishida

    Being insulted by a smart-mouthed little punk like you.. really pisses me off!– Sui Ishida

  • In reality punk people are usually the gentlest, kindest folks you’ll ever know. They’re like hippies, only they wear way more black. – Kate Rockland

    In reality punk people are usually the gentlest, kindest folks you’ll ever know. They’re like hippies, only they wear way more black.– Kate Rockland

  • Punk had picked the locks, sluiced out into the grid. – Garth Risk Hallberg

    Punk had picked the locks, sluiced out into the grid.– Garth Risk Hallberg

  • Punk is about being an individual and going against the grain and standing up and saying ‘This is who I am. – Joey Ramone

    Punk is about being an individual and going against the grain and standing up and saying ‘This is who I am.– Joey Ramone

  • punk is about being an individual and going against the grain and standing up and saying ‘This is who I am – Joey Ramone

    punk is about being an individual and going against the grain and standing up and saying ‘This is who I am– Joey Ramone

  • Hippies survived Nixon, but punk caved in to Ronald Reagan, know what I’m saying? Punk actually couldn’t take a good challenge. – Legs McNeil

    Hippies survived Nixon, but punk caved in to Ronald Reagan, know what I’m saying? Punk actually couldn’t take a good challenge.– Legs McNeil

  • Hardcore without punk isn’t music, it’s a genre of ????. And punk isn’t a genre of music, it’s a thought process. – Dominic Owen Mallary

    Hardcore without punk isn’t music, it’s a genre of ????. And punk isn’t a genre of music, it’s a thought process.– Dominic Owen Mallary