Top Quitting Quotes

  • When you think of quitting, remember why you started! – John Di Lemme

    When you think of quitting, remember why you started!– John Di Lemme

  • When you think of quitting, remember why you started!– John Di Lemme

  • Like creating a masterpiece, quitting is an art: you have to decide what to keep within the frame and what to keep out. – Richie Norton

    Like creating a masterpiece, quitting is an art: you have to decide what to keep within the frame and what to keep out.– Richie Norton

  • At the approach of a certain dark hour, the light of Heaven fills those who are quitting the light of Earth. – Victor Hugo

    At the approach of a certain dark hour, the light of Heaven fills those who are quitting the light of Earth.– Victor Hugo

  • Quitting is unthinkable and pain is just weakness leaving the body – Karl Marlantes

    Quitting is unthinkable and pain is just weakness leaving the body– Karl Marlantes

  • You’re going to find the people that make it work NEVER quit, quitting is NOT an option. – Bob Proctor

    You’re going to find the people that make it work NEVER quit, quitting is NOT an option.– Bob Proctor

  • Every crossroad in life has four options -“ quit, adapt, proceed, or accept, but quitting is a dead-end. – Sharon Nir

    Every crossroad in life has four options -“ quit, adapt, proceed, or accept, but quitting is a dead-end.– Sharon Nir

  • If you haven’t thought about quitting even once when working on your business, that business is not your real passion. – Kim Ha Campbell

    If you haven’t thought about quitting even once when working on your business, that business is not your real passion.– Kim Ha Campbell

  • When quitting is done correctly, it isn’t giving up – it’s making room for something better. – Adam Kirk Smith

    When quitting is done correctly, it isn’t giving up – it’s making room for something better.– Adam Kirk Smith

  • It is only a mere fallacy to say you are quitting when your heartbeat is in tune with the beat. A real change is a real change! – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

    It is only a mere fallacy to say you are quitting when your heartbeat is in tune with the beat. A real change is a real change!– Ernest Agyemang Yeboah