Top Random Quotes

  • Customer Service’ is a random collection of words used to fill a void – Paul W Feenstra

    Customer Service’ is a random collection of words used to fill a void– Paul W Feenstra

  • Here’s a random factoid: I like cats. And here’s another: I like red wine. – Shannon Celebi

    Here’s a random factoid: I like cats. And here’s another: I like red wine.– Shannon Celebi

  • Tonight was definitely an eye opener, but a reminder of how I use to be & why. Self discovery happens at such random times. – April Mae Monterrosa

    Tonight was definitely an eye opener, but a reminder of how I use to be & why. Self discovery happens at such random times.– April Mae Monterrosa

  • Since the Renaissance, people have had to get used to living their life on a random planet in the vast galaxy. – Jostein Gaarder

    Since the Renaissance, people have had to get used to living their life on a random planet in the vast galaxy.– Jostein Gaarder

  • I like people who can keep the conversation going no matter how random the topic gets. – Turcois Ominek

    I like people who can keep the conversation going no matter how random the topic gets.– Turcois Ominek

  • Random chance is not sufficient to explain random chance. ~Jubal Harshaw – Robert A Heinlein

    Random chance is not sufficient to explain random chance. ~Jubal Harshaw– Robert A Heinlein

  • My memories are like a shuffled deck of cards, each one coming up at random. – Brian James

    My memories are like a shuffled deck of cards, each one coming up at random.– Brian James

  • Random thoughts that fly away. Where words has no place to stay. Let it be right where they are. Let the work of art preserve its life. – Diana Rose Morcilla

    Random thoughts that fly away. Where words has no place to stay. Let it be right where they are. Let the work of art preserve its life.– Diana Rose Morcilla

  • Who was more conscious than the soldier of capricious fortune, of the random roll of the dice? – Robert Galbraith

    Who was more conscious than the soldier of capricious fortune, of the random roll of the dice?– Robert Galbraith

  • The past is our ultimate privacy; we pile it up, year by year, decade by decade, it stows itself away, with its perverse random recall system. – Penelope Lively

    The past is our ultimate privacy; we pile it up, year by year, decade by decade, it stows itself away, with its perverse random recall system.– Penelope Lively