Top Reacting Quotes

  • We are usually on bended knee before laws or angrily reacting against them, both immature responses. – Richard Rohr

    We are usually on bended knee before laws or angrily reacting against them, both immature responses.– Richard Rohr

  • The meek shall indeed inherit the earth. They have the power to act rationally instead of reacting emotionally. – David M Butcher

    The meek shall indeed inherit the earth. They have the power to act rationally instead of reacting emotionally.– David M Butcher

  • If you wish to find your answers, you’ll need to begin thinking, not merely reacting.– Lily – Seanan McGuire

    If you wish to find your answers, you’ll need to begin thinking, not merely reacting.– Lily– Seanan McGuire

  • To resist evil is to stand firm against the wrong committed without reacting to the wrong-doer! – Evinda Lepins

    To resist evil is to stand firm against the wrong committed without reacting to the wrong-doer!– Evinda Lepins

  • People aren’t crazy, they’re just reacting normally to an abnormally crazy world. – JSB Morse

    People aren’t crazy, they’re just reacting normally to an abnormally crazy world.– JSB Morse

  • Life rarely follows a straight line. Success is a process of trying, reacting, and changing. – Ron Lizzi

    Life rarely follows a straight line. Success is a process of trying, reacting, and changing.– Ron Lizzi

  • There is a way of reacting to insult that gives people the impression that you want more. I don’t know what it is, but I seem to have mastered it. – Joyce Rachelle

    There is a way of reacting to insult that gives people the impression that you want more. I don’t know what it is, but I seem to have mastered it.– Joyce Rachelle

  • Stop reacting to the stereotypes and start responding to the individual. – Bobby F Kimbrough Jr

    Stop reacting to the stereotypes and start responding to the individual.– Bobby F Kimbrough Jr

  • Try to respond to your partner instead of reacting. – Abhijit Naskar

    Try to respond to your partner instead of reacting.– Abhijit Naskar