Top Reader Quotes

  • Believe in the reader and they can connect the dots, if you succeed breathe life into the story – Esther Freud

    Believe in the reader and they can connect the dots, if you succeed breathe life into the story– Esther Freud

  • Books fashion nets to sustain and support the reader as he falls helplessly through the chaos of his own existence. – Fay Weldon

    Books fashion nets to sustain and support the reader as he falls helplessly through the chaos of his own existence.– Fay Weldon

  • The heroine might be unsure. And the reader. But I don’t think the author should be. – Paul Park

    The heroine might be unsure. And the reader. But I don’t think the author should be.– Paul Park

  • As thoroughly as mankind has killed God, the reader has despatched the author. – Johnny Rich

    As thoroughly as mankind has killed God, the reader has despatched the author.– Johnny Rich

  • A writer only begins a book.  A reader finishes it. – Samuel Johnson

    A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it.– Samuel Johnson

  • What a writer brought to a book didn’t matter as much as what the reader contributed. – Lisa Morton

    What a writer brought to a book didn’t matter as much as what the reader contributed.– Lisa Morton

  • You have to invest yourself as a reader to be a good writer. – Saru Singhal

    You have to invest yourself as a reader to be a good writer.– Saru Singhal

  • A bad handwriting is as annoying to a reader -¦ as an irritating voice is to a listener. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    A bad handwriting is as annoying to a reader -¦ as an irritating voice is to a listener.– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  • An author is an artist who paints a picture in the imagination of the reader. – Darrell Case

    An author is an artist who paints a picture in the imagination of the reader.– Darrell Case

  • A good writer is an excellent reader. – Cyci Cade

    A good writer is an excellent reader.– Cyci Cade