Top Reflections Quotes

  • She was a collector of reflections looking for souls that could see deeply inside her soul. – Shannon L Alder

    She was a collector of reflections looking for souls that could see deeply inside her soul.– Shannon L Alder

  • Reflections in the heart are more pronounced than those we view in a mirror. – Dixie Waters

    Reflections in the heart are more pronounced than those we view in a mirror.– Dixie Waters

  • We see what we are only through reflection and thus the more our reflections occur, the less our mistakes will be! – Mehmet Murat ildan

    We see what we are only through reflection and thus the more our reflections occur, the less our mistakes will be!– Mehmet Murat ildan

  • Children are the greatest philosophers : the questions that children ask require the deepest of thoughts and the longest of reflections on life! – Avijeet Das

    Children are the greatest philosophers : the questions that children ask require the deepest of thoughts and the longest of reflections on life!– Avijeet Das

  • Her changing perception of time had altered the sum of her reflections. – Lori Lansens

    Her changing perception of time had altered the sum of her reflections.– Lori Lansens

  • I have noticed that the solar radiation reflections from rippled privacy windows cause greatly accelerated growth patterns in plants – Steven Magee

    I have noticed that the solar radiation reflections from rippled privacy windows cause greatly accelerated growth patterns in plants– Steven Magee

  • You see your reflections in thoughts not things. – Debasish Mridha

    You see your reflections in thoughts not things.– Debasish Mridha

  • Introspective reflections that might otherwise be liable to stall are helped along by the flow of the landscape… – Alain de Botton

    Introspective reflections that might otherwise be liable to stall are helped along by the flow of the landscape…– Alain de Botton

  • Reflections of the battlements shimmered in the deep green moat, casting an image of enduring strength, an image that defied the very siege of time. – Karen Azinger

    Reflections of the battlements shimmered in the deep green moat, casting an image of enduring strength, an image that defied the very siege of time.– Karen Azinger

  • We are the reflections for the stars to gaze upon, upon a sea of glass. – Tom Althouse

    We are the reflections for the stars to gaze upon, upon a sea of glass.– Tom Althouse