Top Reflects Quotes

  • The decisions we take reflects our belief and our charachter – Rajnish Borah

    The decisions we take reflects our belief and our charachter– Rajnish Borah

  • There are two ways of spreading light to be candle,or the mirror that reflects it. – Chetan Bhagat

    There are two ways of spreading light to be candle,or the mirror that reflects it.– Chetan Bhagat

  • The sun loves the moon so much that he dies every night to let her breathe, and in return, she reflects his love. – Jeffrey Fry

    The sun loves the moon so much that he dies every night to let her breathe, and in return, she reflects his love.– Jeffrey Fry

  • God’s Word transforms you into someone who reflects His glory. – Elizabeth George

    God’s Word transforms you into someone who reflects His glory.– Elizabeth George

  • Be determined to live a pure, holy and godly life; decide to honor, love and value other people, and to live a life that reflects Christ to others – Sunday Adelaja

    Be determined to live a pure, holy and godly life; decide to honor, love and value other people, and to live a life that reflects Christ to others– Sunday Adelaja

  • My work reflects a relationship to the built world that shifts between control and randomness, strangeness and beauty, comfort and fear. – David D Allee

    My work reflects a relationship to the built world that shifts between control and randomness, strangeness and beauty, comfort and fear.– David D Allee

  • Cat hate reflects an ugly, stupid, loutish, bigoted spirit. There can be no compromise with this Ugly Spirit. – William S Burroughs

    Cat hate reflects an ugly, stupid, loutish, bigoted spirit. There can be no compromise with this Ugly Spirit.– William S Burroughs

  • The outer expression of a person often reflects the inner perception and deeper beliefs. – Debasish Mridha

    The outer expression of a person often reflects the inner perception and deeper beliefs.– Debasish Mridha

  • Christ who is your life,’ (Col 3:4): This identification reflects the relentless Christological focus of Colossians. – Douglas J Moo

    Christ who is your life,’ (Col 3:4): This identification reflects the relentless Christological focus of Colossians.– Douglas J Moo

  • Living in a way that reflects one’s values is not just about what you do, it is also about how you do things. – Deborah Day

    Living in a way that reflects one’s values is not just about what you do, it is also about how you do things.– Deborah Day