Top Regression Quotes

  • Progress without the reasoned freedom to think and act is regression to slavery. – Richard John Neuhaus

    Progress without the reasoned freedom to think and act is regression to slavery.– Richard John Neuhaus

  • There is a human reification needingan eschatological regression. – Marieta Maglas Eschatological Regression

    There is a human reification needingan eschatological regression.– Marieta Maglas Eschatological Regression

  • There is an equation that I like to use when looking at my life’s progress:Current Worth – Past Worth = Progress or Regression – Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

    There is an equation that I like to use when looking at my life’s progress:Current Worth – Past Worth = Progress or Regression– Innocent Mwatsikesimbe

  • Progression and regression go hand in hand with mental health. It is a tough illness. You often take one step forward and ten steps back. – Theresa Larsen

    Progression and regression go hand in hand with mental health. It is a tough illness. You often take one step forward and ten steps back.– Theresa Larsen

  • What nature hath joined together, multiple regression analysis cannot put asunder. – Richard E Nisbett

    What nature hath joined together, multiple regression analysis cannot put asunder.– Richard E Nisbett

  • The recession and regression of any society are always an indication of how poorly the citizens of that country understand the value of time. – Sunday Adelaja

    The recession and regression of any society are always an indication of how poorly the citizens of that country understand the value of time.– Sunday Adelaja