Top Release Quotes

  • I don’t put that pressure on myself (to write every day), but I do tend to write every day. It’s not pressure-”it’s pressure release. – Roxane Gay

    I don’t put that pressure on myself (to write every day), but I do tend to write every day. It’s not pressure-”it’s pressure release.– Roxane Gay

  • Because the human experience involves loss, we need to feel it, express it, and then release it. Only then do we achieve healing. – Laura Greenwald

    Because the human experience involves loss, we need to feel it, express it, and then release it. Only then do we achieve healing.– Laura Greenwald

  • When you release the garbage of negativity, you can digest positivity for your destiny. – Annette Rivers

    When you release the garbage of negativity, you can digest positivity for your destiny.– Annette Rivers

  • No guile? Nay, but so strangely He moves among us. . Not this Man but Barabbas! Release to us Barabbas! – Adelaide Crapsey

    No guile? Nay, but so strangely He moves among us. . Not this Man but Barabbas! Release to us Barabbas!– Adelaide Crapsey

  • There is nothing to writing. You nourish your creativity for months and years until you release your baby out into the world. – Lydia Larue

    There is nothing to writing. You nourish your creativity for months and years until you release your baby out into the world.– Lydia Larue

  • As you release a belief that doesn’t serve you, you want to lock in a new belief that is powerful. – Sheri Kaye Hoff

    As you release a belief that doesn’t serve you, you want to lock in a new belief that is powerful.– Sheri Kaye Hoff

  • When you have done your part it’s time to release your work into the universe and let it do its part. – Maria Erving

    When you have done your part it’s time to release your work into the universe and let it do its part.– Maria Erving

  • When you have done your part it’s time to release your work into the universe and let it do its part.– Maria Erving

  • His lips were on mine, a deep, breathy intense kiss. A release. – Dean Cole

    His lips were on mine, a deep, breathy intense kiss. A release.– Dean Cole

  • Release Lady Mirabelle and the kitten or I’ll run you through, skewering your belly, pinching out your life. – SueEllen Welfonder

    Release Lady Mirabelle and the kitten or I’ll run you through, skewering your belly, pinching out your life.– SueEllen Welfonder