Top Requires Quotes

  • Spiritual dating requires you both to have the ability to stay present in the moment and expand together. – Amy Leigh Mercree

    Spiritual dating requires you both to have the ability to stay present in the moment and expand together.– Amy Leigh Mercree

  • Writing is like riding a bike. Once you gain momentum, the hills are easier. Editing, however, requires a motor and some horsepower. – Gina McKnight

    Writing is like riding a bike. Once you gain momentum, the hills are easier. Editing, however, requires a motor and some horsepower.– Gina McKnight

  • There is no alternative to action, and that requires faith. The issue is how we are to mold for ourselves a belief system that is worthy of life. – Naguib Mahfouz

    There is no alternative to action, and that requires faith. The issue is how we are to mold for ourselves a belief system that is worthy of life.– Naguib Mahfouz

  • It takes courage to live in the midst of hate. And it requires strength to keep that hatred from eating your soul. – Mari Serebrov

    It takes courage to live in the midst of hate. And it requires strength to keep that hatred from eating your soul.– Mari Serebrov

  • He does not require that we live a perfect life. He only requires that we try to live as He wills. The only way to fail Him is by giving up. – Patricia Davids

    He does not require that we live a perfect life. He only requires that we try to live as He wills. The only way to fail Him is by giving up.– Patricia Davids

  • Exponential Results Requires Exponential Thinking and High Performance Teamworking with Growth Oriented Mindsets. – Tony Dovale

    Exponential Results Requires Exponential Thinking and High Performance Teamworking with Growth Oriented Mindsets.– Tony Dovale

  • Ironically, torture requires empathy, too, in the sense that one cannot deliberately inflict pain without realizing what is painful. – Frans de Waal

    Ironically, torture requires empathy, too, in the sense that one cannot deliberately inflict pain without realizing what is painful.– Frans de Waal

  • To be a strong and empathetic person always requires us to trust that God will send angels to the people’s heart we tried to reach, but couldn’t. – Shannon L Alder

    To be a strong and empathetic person always requires us to trust that God will send angels to the people’s heart we tried to reach, but couldn’t.– Shannon L Alder

  • Make a decision to perform something great, something that requires skill, something special for the Kingdom of God. – Sunday Adelaja

    Make a decision to perform something great, something that requires skill, something special for the Kingdom of God.– Sunday Adelaja

  • It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires a great deal of strength to decide what to do. – Elbert Hubbard

    It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires a great deal of strength to decide what to do.– Elbert Hubbard