Top Rests Quotes

  • Revenge never ends until everything and everyone around it is destroyed. A vengeful heart never rests. – Jason Lloyd

    Revenge never ends until everything and everyone around it is destroyed. A vengeful heart never rests.– Jason Lloyd

  • Faith never makes herself her own plea, she rests all her argument upon the blood of Christ. – Charles Haddon Spurgeon

    Faith never makes herself her own plea, she rests all her argument upon the blood of Christ.– Charles Haddon Spurgeon

  • There is a moon,that rests in the quiet cornersof a lover’s lips. – Sanober  Khan

    There is a moon,that rests in the quiet cornersof a lover’s lips.– Sanober Khan

  • Understanding that rests in what it does not understand is the finest. – Zhuangzi

    Understanding that rests in what it does not understand is the finest.– Zhuangzi

  • My hope does not rest in the affairs of this world. It rests in Christ who is coming again. – Billy Graham

    My hope does not rest in the affairs of this world. It rests in Christ who is coming again.– Billy Graham

  • I love to chase my shadow to feel how it rests in the dark. – Munia Khan

    I love to chase my shadow to feel how it rests in the dark.– Munia Khan

  • This is the legacy of a compassionate bunch. Our fate now rests on the whims of men. – Leot Felton

    This is the legacy of a compassionate bunch. Our fate now rests on the whims of men.– Leot Felton

  • People will ask you the question ‘how is life treating you?’ But my question is ‘how are you treating life?’ On that your happiness rests – Rasheed Ogunlaru

    People will ask you the question ‘how is life treating you?’ But my question is ‘how are you treating life?’ On that your happiness rests– Rasheed Ogunlaru

  • Healthy self-esteem rests upon a strong foundation of core values and an inclination to act and speak in alignment with those values. – Susan C Young

    Healthy self-esteem rests upon a strong foundation of core values and an inclination to act and speak in alignment with those values.– Susan C Young

  • No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.  – Lin Yutang

    No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. – Lin Yutang