Top Revenge Quotes

  • In comparison with the spirit of priestly revenge all the remaining spirits are hardly worth considering. – Friedrich Nietzsche

    In comparison with the spirit of priestly revenge all the remaining spirits are hardly worth considering.– Friedrich Nietzsche

  • Hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated. – George Bernard Shaw

    Hatred is the coward’s revenge for being intimidated.– George Bernard Shaw

  • You have a very attractive revenge streak in you. I like it. A lot.- ~Maggie Mae Castro to FBI Special Agent Clive Poole – Beth Yarnall

    You have a very attractive revenge streak in you. I like it. A lot.- ~Maggie Mae Castro to FBI Special Agent Clive Poole– Beth Yarnall

  • When it comes to exacting revenge, it gets harder and harder to top yourself each successive time – Josh Stern

    When it comes to exacting revenge, it gets harder and harder to top yourself each successive time– Josh Stern

  • Revenge! The stupidest motive on earth, just an attempt to change history. – Josephine Humphreys

    Revenge! The stupidest motive on earth, just an attempt to change history.– Josephine Humphreys

  • Revenge was a dish best eaten cold, but eight years between was arctic. – Jonathan Kellerman

    Revenge was a dish best eaten cold, but eight years between was arctic.– Jonathan Kellerman

  • I’ve been in the revenge buisness for so long, now that it’s over I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life. – William Goldman

    I’ve been in the revenge buisness for so long, now that it’s over I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life.– William Goldman

  • We should have just killed him, that’s a lesson, don’t get creative with revenge – China Miville

    We should have just killed him, that’s a lesson, don’t get creative with revenge– China Miville

  • I’ve discovered the secret of revenge. Outlive the f—ers! I’ll dance on their graves. – Michael Robotham

    I’ve discovered the secret of revenge. Outlive the f—ers! I’ll dance on their graves.– Michael Robotham

  • Two things you should never do in a hurry: make up and revenge. – Iveta Cherneva

    Two things you should never do in a hurry: make up and revenge.– Iveta Cherneva