Top Rhythms Quotes

  • Hospital life–with its byzantine array of moving parts layered atop the unpredictable rhythms of illness–is a permanent state of flux. – Danielle Ofri

    Hospital life–with its byzantine array of moving parts layered atop the unpredictable rhythms of illness–is a permanent state of flux.– Danielle Ofri

  • In a cool solitude of treesWhere leaves and birds a music spin,Mind that was weary is at ease,New rhythms in the soul begin. – William Kean Seymour

    In a cool solitude of treesWhere leaves and birds a music spin,Mind that was weary is at ease,New rhythms in the soul begin.– William Kean Seymour

  • Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the stars. – Gustave Flaubert

    Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the stars.– Gustave Flaubert

  • We all have our own rhythms to walk to. – Lauren Lola

    We all have our own rhythms to walk to.– Lauren Lola

  • One must find rhythms others’ ears don’t hear. – David Anthony Durham

    One must find rhythms others’ ears don’t hear.– David Anthony Durham

  • All those rhythms, all those songs, all those wonderful glorious magnificent voices inside her began to sing. – Damian Wampler

    All those rhythms, all those songs, all those wonderful glorious magnificent voices inside her began to sing.– Damian Wampler

  • The rhythms of the game complemented the lifestyle he preferred. – Nicholas Dawidoff

    The rhythms of the game complemented the lifestyle he preferred.– Nicholas Dawidoff

  • And so I told him how living in Japan would give him a leisure no mere tourist has, to know the rhythms of the place, a land of tiny poems. – Donna George Storey

    And so I told him how living in Japan would give him a leisure no mere tourist has, to know the rhythms of the place, a land of tiny poems.– Donna George Storey

  • Write like you speak with the ‘rhythms of human speech,’ as William Zinsser said, and in as few words as possible. Use action verbs to carry water. – Sandra E Lamb

    Write like you speak with the ‘rhythms of human speech,’ as William Zinsser said, and in as few words as possible. Use action verbs to carry water.– Sandra E Lamb

  • The most exciting rhythms seem unexpected and complex, the most beautiful melodies simple and inevitable. – WH Auden

    The most exciting rhythms seem unexpected and complex, the most beautiful melodies simple and inevitable.– WH Auden