Top Ripping Quotes

  • Why do I feel like my heart is ripping in thousands of pieces, taking with it every shred of soul that I still have? – Eva Scoutt

    Why do I feel like my heart is ripping in thousands of pieces, taking with it every shred of soul that I still have?– Eva Scoutt

  • I couldn’t imagine her leaving this world without ripping its fabric. – Zadie Smith

    I couldn’t imagine her leaving this world without ripping its fabric.– Zadie Smith

  • I couldn’t imagine her leaving this world without ripping its fabric.– Zadie Smith

  • The most admirable quality among people is when we pause and think of something to say, without ripping others to shreds (even if they deserved it). – Efrat Cybulkiewicz

    The most admirable quality among people is when we pause and think of something to say, without ripping others to shreds (even if they deserved it).– Efrat Cybulkiewicz

  • Human kind is on one big power trip that is ripping the sole out of the subtleness and kindness of the human spirit – Aidan Donnelly

    Human kind is on one big power trip that is ripping the sole out of the subtleness and kindness of the human spirit– Aidan Donnelly

  • I love every single character in my books. Killing a character of causes me physical pain… It’s like ripping a band-aid off too fast. – BA Gabrielle

    I love every single character in my books. Killing a character of causes me physical pain… It’s like ripping a band-aid off too fast.– BA Gabrielle

  • Did life treat everyone so wantonly, ripping the good things to pieces while letting bad things fester and grow like fungus – Rohinton Mistry

    Did life treat everyone so wantonly, ripping the good things to pieces while letting bad things fester and grow like fungus– Rohinton Mistry

  • Connections only caused a ripping pain no one deserved. – Jennifer Probst

    Connections only caused a ripping pain no one deserved.– Jennifer Probst

  • Batching or -œbucketing- your tasks is ripping the Band- Aid off whenever you have to deal with ongoing activities. – Amber Hurdle

    Batching or -œbucketing- your tasks is ripping the Band- Aid off whenever you have to deal with ongoing activities.– Amber Hurdle

  • There are people everywhere standing in line at the movies, buying curtains, walking dogs, while inside, their hearts are ripping to shreds. – Jandy Nelson

    There are people everywhere standing in line at the movies, buying curtains, walking dogs, while inside, their hearts are ripping to shreds.– Jandy Nelson