Top Risky Quotes

  • Loving her is strange and confusing and damn risky. And if I had the chance I’d choose it all over again. – Autumn Doughton

    Loving her is strange and confusing and damn risky. And if I had the chance I’d choose it all over again.– Autumn Doughton

  • Procrastinating to embark on your passion is a risky business, because tomorrow may never come! – Alex Zar

    Procrastinating to embark on your passion is a risky business, because tomorrow may never come!– Alex Zar

  • On Money – There are many ways to get rich quickly. All of them are risky. Some of them are dangerous. A few of them are downright fatal. – Marsha Hinds

    On Money – There are many ways to get rich quickly. All of them are risky. Some of them are dangerous. A few of them are downright fatal.– Marsha Hinds

  • If you fear to take risks, your life will always be risky. – Debasish Mridha

    If you fear to take risks, your life will always be risky.– Debasish Mridha

  • A dream is always risky, for there is a price to pay. – Paulo Coelho

    A dream is always risky, for there is a price to pay.– Paulo Coelho

  • Good communication may not make a risky deal safe, but poor communication may sell benefits of a good deal. – Dianna Booher

    Good communication may not make a risky deal safe, but poor communication may sell benefits of a good deal.– Dianna Booher

  • It’s risky most of the time, but its better to listen to your heart. – Jonathan Anthony Burkett

    It’s risky most of the time, but its better to listen to your heart.– Jonathan Anthony Burkett

  • Fear of making mistakes can itself become a huge mistake, one that prevents you from living, for life is risky and anything less is already loss. – Rebecca Solnit

    Fear of making mistakes can itself become a huge mistake, one that prevents you from living, for life is risky and anything less is already loss.– Rebecca Solnit

  • The most risky liability of your life is ‘the unspoken truth’. – Amit Kalantri

    The most risky liability of your life is ‘the unspoken truth’.– Amit Kalantri

  • Nothing is impossible, nothing is risky, when you take the action with love, something better will happen. – Debasish Mridha

    Nothing is impossible, nothing is risky, when you take the action with love, something better will happen.– Debasish Mridha